Virtual Tours for Schools

Virtual Tour

Open Days at your Finger Tips

Many businesses are learning to adapt to new ways of connecting with their clients and for Primary and Secondary Schools and Third Level Institutes Virtual Tours can be used as an essential tool in their marketing.

Due to Covid 19 it is now advised to keep visitors to schools and institutes to a minimum.

With a Virtual Tour parents, children, students and other family members and friends, can now walk around and view the facilities from the comfort of their own home or on their mobile devices. It is a Open Day at their finger tips 24-7.

Virtual Tour

Virtual Tours

- the ideal Open Day

- cuts down on time and money spent showing and viewing for both you, parents and children

- viewing can be shared with family members and friends

- new students can familiarise themselves with school layout

- eliminates no-shows

- it’s safe and informative

Simon Archer Photography uses top of the range DSLR cameras which guarantee that the quality of Virtual Tours is second to none.

Information Points

Information Points, or ‘Hotspots’, are pop-up windows which present extra information to viewers about what they’re seeing in your tour. You decide where you want these to appear, the format they take, and the details you want them to give. You can also include images, videos, and links to other web content too.


Simon Archer can also provide top quality high res images of your facility - ready to use for any marketing purposes including brochures, website and social media.

Virtual Tour

For a Quote and to Book

For further information, please contact Simon Archer via email

or call Mobile 087 2057247

Virtual Tour

Virtual Tour

And while you’re there…

Check out my School Photography service

What is a Virtual Tour?

A Virtual Tour is a sequence of panoramic images that are stitched together to create a virtual experience of any location. Once created, the viewer is able to experience what it is like to be somewhere they are actually not. This virtual experience can be viewed through desktop computers, laptops, tablets and mobile devices.

Unlike a video where the viewer is led through the facility, the virtual tour viewer decides where to go and when by clicking different areas.

Virtual Tours can also include Information Points or ‘Hotspots’ - pop up windows that can contain and image, information or video clip.

Photography is so valuable and so important for marketing and showcasing your business. A 360° virtual tour is photography with more detail and more user interactivity – it allows people online to find the information they are seeking - to view the facilities you offer. A virtual tour is photography, but taking it to the next level.

Virtual Tour